France 4 – Global Redesign
France 4 – Global Redesign
Gédéon has fully redesigned France 4 as the young and connected channel of the French public TV group. Our work has turned France 4 into a real cross-media and digital platform.
Brand design
Brand Identity

Audience contribution is at the heart of the brand. No matter if smart or silly, viewer tweets are used as the lead-in for promos. They create a special bond between the young audience and the network. Simplicity is also key. We use basic loops and gifs as a link to the web culture.

In order to play and really communicate with the viewers, one of the key ideas was to develop a specific tool for them to design ad breaks. Gédéon created, designed and produced this brand new “mashup” app. We built the ergonomy and produced the different templates of the app, and we created a tutorial released on air and online.

Creative Director
Bernard Bréchet
Camera Operator
Pierre Collet & Maxime Baïle
Sound Designer
Jean-Christophe Vareille
Art Directors
Aude Debout, Thomas Cristiani, Antoine Roux, Cédric Besseau
Sound Designer
Malcolm Goldie
Production Manager
Églantine Guitard
French Art Directors Club / Club des DA de la pub 2014 / Shortlisted in “channel design – promotional jingle” category
French Art Directors Club / Club des DA de la pub 2014 / Shortlisted in “typography” category
Eyes and Ears Europe / Munich 2014 / Silver Award in “best ad breaks” category
Red Dot Awards / Berlin 2015 / Grand Prix Category
EBU Connect / Cavtat 2015 / Nominated in “Best campaign for digital product/service” category for “mash-up app”
EBU Connect / Cavtat 2015 / Silver Award in “Best channel branding” category for “global identity”
Promax BDA Europe / Berlin 2015 / Silver Award in “general channel image campaign using multiple media”
Promax BDA Europe / Berlin 2015 / Silver Award in “Best interstitial short form spot design” category for “jingles pub mash-up/ad breaks.”
Promax BDA Europe / Berlin 2015 / Silver Award in “Best use of social media for channel promotion” category
Promax BDA Europe / Berlin 2015 / Silver Award in “Best general brand design package” category
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